Femme Fatale: Scenario 2

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Custom clip: When you pretend shoot your prop g u n could you simulate just a slight recoil. Do not cock it or fire it. Scene [Brie comes in a door] "Hi guys! My name is Brie and I need a huge favor. My girlfriends and I are having a contest to see who can shoot the most guys in 1 hour. I thought about all you guys in this frat house and came straight over. I knew none of you would have dates on a Friday night. Here's the favor, for it to count we have to convince guys to LET us shoot them, we have to have their permission...It would be SOOOOOOO cool if you guys would agree to let me shoot all of you. [pleading] You guys want me to win, don't you? Please? Pretty please?...OK fine, I'll let you jerk off to me right here and now IF you let me shoot you afterwards. Deal? Yeah, i thought so...OK, start jerking boys! This is gonna be so good! Thank you so much you guys! I really really really want to win this contest. I just came from the strip club down the street. I came out dressed as a sexy cowgirl, I was shooting guys left and right...it was so cool. I got every last guy in there...even the bouncers and bar tenders. I'm pretty sure they all totally loved it." [give some JOI] "So...what do you guys think of my hair? [run hand through hair] and I can tell you like my k1ller outfit [spin around to show off outfit] "I wanted to k1ll you guys while wearing something really sexy...as a reward." [looking around surprised] "Wow, you guys are all finished so soon? You guys don't get out much do you? You've all been SO cool about this...but you shot your loads...so now it's my turn" [Brie shoots 8 random targets before her, taking time to aim and relish each shot. Ad lib comments] "Totally worth it, right?!" [aim and shoot at random target] "STAND STILL! Right there... perfect." [aim and shoot at random target] "Take that!" [aim and shoot at random target] "Die, loser!" [aim and shoot at random target] "Gotcha!" [aim and shoot at random target] "I love this part!" [aim and shoot at random target] "Isn't this SO much fun?" [aim and shoot at random target] "Nailed ya!" [aim and shoot at random target] [keep slowly and methodically shooting a several more random targets] [blow smoke from your barrel] "So easy! K1lling you losers brings my total to 560. [roll your eyes] "A pretty girl can get guys to agree to ANYTHING."