Oiled Up Hitachi Cum by the Tree

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8 Minutes • 1080p • Downloadable
In this festive video, I start by putting you in the mood, while stripping out of my little red suit to some Christmas music! After I shake my booty a bit and show off my petite frame, I get down on all fours and start oiling up! Once my butt is all shiny, I move onto my front side...dripping the oil delicately down my body and then rubbing it in all over. Grabbing my nipples and grazing past my pussy, this is sure to get you worked up! I rub my clit for a bit then move to using my hitachi. Letting little moans out as I grind around on the toy. After I get a good cum in, I switch positions to the doggy view. Bouncing up and down for a bit on the hitachi, making my pussy throb with pleasure. After I'm all finished I shake my butt a bit more:)
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