Femme Fatale: Scenario 4

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3 Minutes • 720p • Downloadable
Custom clip: When you pretend shoot your prop g u n could you simulate just a slight recoil. Do not cock it or fire it. Scene [any room] [flirty and teasing] [Brie comes in a door and aims her g u n back and forth across the room] "Hey guys, I've been sent by your girlfriends to take you boys out! They know you're all cheating on them." [Brie looks targets over top to bottom and smiles] "For guys about do be blown away you look pretty excited. Does a pretty girl with a g u n turn you boys on? Well take a good look at the last pretty girl you'll ever see!" [Brie begins shooting - 3 random targets before her, laughing after each shot] "So how does it feel boys? To be k1lled by a sexy hit woman sent by your very own girlfriends?" [Brie shoots another 4 random targets before her. Ad lib comments like "Take that!" "Die, you cheating bastard!" "Gotcha!""You're SOOO dead, loser!" "Where do you think you're going?" "Ouuu, right in the gut!" [Rolls her eyes] "Even while I'm k1lling you, you guys are totally hot for me! You're such pervs! You're getting exactly what you deserve..." [Brie fires 2 more times at random targets.] [Afterwards Brie looks over the room with g u n, searching for a few seconds as if looking for signs of life, finds it and fires one more shot toward the ground, then smiles nods to herself in satisfaction] [Brie blows pretend smoke from the barrel] [Brie makes a call on cell phone]: "Your boyfriends all got what they deserved. I totally blew their guts out. Wait, what? Room 80? I thought you said room 18!" [hangs up and looks around room amused] [laughing] "Oops! Looks like I just k1lled a bunch of innocent guys..." [looking around] "Oh well...Judging by all those erections you boys really enjoyed my visit. It was a pleasure shooting you all..." [leave room]