Son's invention seduces mom into a sex slut

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21 Minutes • 1080p • Downloadable
My son comes home and finds me very sad and gets me to admit I am feeling down because I feel old and unattractive. My friends think I should get back into the dating scene since its been a year since your dad has died but I still do not feel up to it. Anyway I am embarrassed what about you and your studied. Biological Chemistry. Pharmaceutical Sciences.... I am so proud of you son. You think I am beautiful ...giggles What? My ass what about it... My breasts...THAT IS ENOUGH.... I will not tolerate that kind of talk. Okay I accept your apology. You made a gift for me? Bath bombs that you created yourself. Well I think I could use a bath I feel so stressed. Going out tonight well have a good time. The bath ends up being a HUGE surprise as the bath bomb has been altered by the son to release my sexuality and he actually is watching the whole thing ...just pretended to go out. Major orgasm in the bath and then I am a sex slut in slutty makeup a teddy and fuck me heels craving my sons huge cock. Sucking and fucking him until I explode all over again
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