No Pussy Allowed

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200 Tokens
9 Minutes • 1080p
You are not allowed pussy, not to touch, to see, or to even think about. You can't even fuck one! I am telling you right now what happens if you get pussy even just one time. You get hooked! You can think of nothing else! All you want is more pussy. You focus all of your attention on it. It ruins you! It will take over your entire life, so I am doing you a favor. You can thank me for telling you to stay away. I am saving you! You want to be happy? Say no to pussy! We can pretend that the only reason why you aren't getting any isn't because you are a loser, but because I am forbidding it. Does that help? Now that pussy is off the table you can spend SO MUCH MORE time focusing on me instead! You can do as I tell you to, be a good boy for me, and make sure that I am getting what I want. When you live like this your life is already better! You don't need pussy when you have me, I am so much better!