you're My Bitch Now

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7 Minutes • 1080p • Downloadable
What do you see when you look in the mirror? Because when I look at you, all I see is a fucking loser. You definitely don’t get any attention from Women, you’re a hideous mess and you give off pathetic loser vibes, and nobody likes that. You’re probably a virgin too, because you’re definitely not getting any pussy with what you’ve got going on. The only thing you’re good for is being of service; like doing a task, or paying for something. So, you’re going to serve Me… and do all of the humiliating things I ask of you. You’re so desperate for My attention, you’ll do anything for it, which makes it that much easier to exploit beta bitches like you.… so once you complete this fun little task, send Me a video so I can laugh at you!!
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