Wanna Be My Cuck?

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10 Minutes • 720p • Downloadable
So....I guess as you can see from this video I left on your computer..that I have been cheating on you for awhile. I have finally felt you need to know...because the guy I have been seeing told me about something called Cuckolding. As you can see...I film everything me and "Mr Alpha" do together, the exhilarating rush I get from cheating and filming our sexual escapades is such a intense feeling! You know I never orgasmed with you...at least you should have noticed.....! You do all the great things otherwise, buying me stuff....taking care of things...but sexually you NEVER satisfied me. So....the guy who I have been cheating on you with opened my eyes to cuckolding and I want to know....would you stay with me as my cuck? Will you be ok with me continuing to see him? Because either way I WILL BE FUCKING him, its all a matter if you want to continue being in my life.....as my cuck? Consider this your chance to stay with me and to take our relationship to a new level.....