Virgin By Choice

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9 Minutes • 1080p • Downloadable
Normally when someone is a virgin they actually want to get laid. They try to find a woman to fuck them. You're not a typical virgin, you want to stay a virgin. You have chosen this because you know that you have a little, tiny cock. You have the kind of cock that people would laugh at. You would look like you're not really a man, because it is so small. You're saving yourself the embarrassment because you already know that your cock is so small that any woman would laugh her head off at the first sight of it. I am sure many virgin losers like you don't realize that they have a small dick or maybe they are in denial, but not you. You know you have a little dick and that size really does matter. For this reason you will always choose to be a virgin because it is better than having women laugh at you when you take your dick out.