Let's Turn You into a Woman

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30 Minutes • 720p • Downloadable
Custom clip: "You tell me I'm not a real man. Only real men deserve erections, and since I am not a real man, I am forbidden to get hard. You tell me it would be a sign of disrespect to get hard in your presence because that would imply I intend to use my tiny erection on you, and that would be laughable. Since I'm not a real man, I should be more like a woman. You give me a list of 10 books, 10 movies, and a number of musical artists that girls would like. It can be your favorite movies, books, etc. or whatever you want. I will read/watch/listen to them all. You tell me once I have finished all those things, you will see about getting me a nice set of lingerie like yours (pull back blouse to expose white bra, and lift skirt to show white panties). Also, give me a list of things real men do that I am forbidden to do now that you've decided I'm to be more feminine. My name is Mark. Please pick out a feminine, pretty name for me."