Drunk History 7.0

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155 Minutes • 720p • Downloadable
This is the seventh installment in my Drunk History series… and boy do I get drunk! In this tale we cover some medical science and war history. Be prepared for lots of history, burps, swearing, and partially cutting off my face with picture-in-picture in OBS. I make it quite a ways before I have to call it quits because I was really that wasted. It’s the first and hopefully last time that will happen with drunk history. Some sober history follows as I retell it to completion. In this heavily edited (for brevity LOL) show recording was done in February and March of 2021. //// Drunk Montage : 0:00 // Drunk History: 2:53 // Sober History: 80:00 // Awkward Dancing: 151:00