You know ......sometimes you communicate with a person, or you see someone who arouses your interest, maybe thoughts come to your mind that you would like to get answers, but it can be strange or inappropriate or embarrassing to ask them.....

Or I'll tell you about myself,  sometimes I find myself in a position in which it is difficult to find an answer to a topic that concerns me, I feel strange and not like everyone else, and sometimes I just want someone to give me advice so I can finally make a choice)

                                                                                                               In short)

                            ASK a QUESTION! MAY  it BE DEEP or FUNNY or EMBARRASSINGLY.
                                                    ALL FEELINGS ARE GOOD !  

Anonymous asked over 1 year ago:
Have you ever been topless at a crowded public beach? Tanning topless?
YoungLilMary answered about 1 year ago:
No, I 'm not a fan of nudism ) I swam in the sea naked , but it was at night , I like to go naked when I 'm alone , then I can feel really free ) I feel great with my swimsuit on my body) and I find a tan with white traces sexy )
Anonymous asked over 1 year ago:
Do you like the idea of having sex at public places?
YoungLilMary answered about 1 year ago:
hi) in general, probably for the sake of extreme, yes, I can understand it, but I'm not such a fan of extreme, I'm a fan of high-quality sex and deep long pleasure, so sex in public places doesn't turn me on much, but sometimes there's just no other way out when passion caught you in a restaurant)))
Anonymous asked over 1 year ago:
Do you like watching erotic videos or porn from time to time? And if so, what kind of porn/erotic genres do you find sexy?
YoungLilMary answered about 1 year ago:
thank you for your letter dear anonymous , in general porn does not attract me much , it is very difficult for me to find what I want in porn , I like to watch hentai , in porn I like when girls play with big toys with vibrators and when they really like it, but there are really few such videos, I do not believe most of them them , so I watch anime , but lately my tastes have started to change ) I started to like my own videos)) ahah that's probably weird
Anonymous asked over 1 year ago:
How important, is it for you, with height in a man? :)
YoungLilMary answered about 1 year ago:
hello dear anonymous, the height in a person is not important to me at all , I am ready if he is a couple of centimeters shorter than me , even if he is waist-high to me, it's great, he will be able to lick my pussy without even straining , I don't want such a small thing as physical data that does not depend on us to become an obstacle
Guest asked over 1 year ago:
If you were a man for the rest of your life, and you could choose your own dick size, what would it be? :D Both in length and width? :)
YoungLilMary answered over 1 year ago:
oh very difficult question i have never been near a dick with a ruler) as it was not the case in life, so it happened ... dick size? i think i would choose not very long dick because it usually hurts . maybe 15 cm in length, diameter, probably like a carrot normal carrot) ahahahah
Guest asked over 1 year ago:
In the end of a blowjob, where do you like the man to cum? And if in the mouth, do you prefer to spit or swallow the cum?
YoungLilMary answered over 1 year ago:
I as a conscientious and sincere girl of course I swallow, because once I have taken it in my mouth ,  it would be right if it was there until the end) if I do not want it in my mouth I can always jerk you off) 
Guest asked over 1 year ago:
Do you like giving blowjobs? And if so what do you like the most about it?
YoungLilMary answered over 1 year ago:
What I like most about it is to see the guy melt from pleasure, and remain completely powerless afterwards like warm butter... I would do anything for this finale.) 
Anonymous asked over 1 year ago:
Why do you always lose your hitachi toy?
YoungLilMary answered over 1 year ago:
I don't know) it's an anomaly, I still haven't found it, it disappeared in my old apartment, I'm taking options on how and where it could disappear toÂ