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Nadinebarry asked almost 5 years ago:
Having sex on cam? or porn content? i'm a fan of your sadistic style and wish to see it in action if you don't mind please? also emailed you to strap on my husband if you had a chance to check your email?

Xxmisspandora answered almost 5 years ago:
Yes I've seen your email, and as I've already told you numerous times I am abiding by the lockdown restrictions. I will not be producing any content with other people outside of my bubble in the near future, so please stop asking. I have made this very clear.

Nadinebarry asked almost 5 years ago:
Hi beautiful, do you do live-sex cam?

Xxmisspandora answered almost 5 years ago:
Define live sex cam

junglesponge asked almost 5 years ago:
Just wanted to know your normal times of streaming? I’m trying to see you but can’t catch you at the moment.

Xxmisspandora answered almost 5 years ago:
Hi! For the current lockdown period I aim to be on between 1pm-6pm and/or 10-3am (NZDT) most days, though there can be disruptions to this schedule due to private shows and other commitments. If you follow my Twitter I usually post when I am online @misspandora9.

Sai134 asked almost 5 years ago:
Hi, I am based in Auckland too. Do you do anal?

Xxmisspandora answered almost 5 years ago:
Yes, I'd love to fuck you in the arse with my strap on

driknkmyspit asked almost 5 years ago:
would you like to skype?

Xxmisspandora answered almost 5 years ago:
I can do skype, though if you're based outside of NZ I can only accept tokens as payment