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Banger301976 asked 2 months ago:
What are 2 of your favorite sex positions
VeronicaOMG answered 2 months ago:
mish and doggie. I am a simple girl
Banger301976 asked 2 months ago:
What beaches do you like in your hometown?
VeronicaOMG answered 2 months ago:
I lived in Ocean view. Its on the Chesapeake bay. I liked it :)
bonafiad asked 7 months ago:
have you ever had group sex
VeronicaOMG answered 2 months ago:
abderraizi asked almost 6 years ago:
i can't watch your clip
VeronicaOMG answered almost 6 years ago:
You probably have to purchase it ;) lol 
theDudebot asked almost 6 years ago:
Not a question, just a statement.. Damn girl
VeronicaOMG answered almost 6 years ago:
LetsGetNutts asked almost 6 years ago:
Have you ever given a blowjob to an uncut dick? If so, any difference. ....
VeronicaOMG answered almost 6 years ago:
I have! There is a little extra to work with but I think it’s fun :)