
If you expected me to actually like this video with extreme overwhelming passion and enthusiasm, then congratulations on your ability to read my mind!!! Because, you were "CORRECT"!!!!! Perfection once again!!!!
Every time that I look at you, it's like discovering my heartbeat all over again!!!!
All of your videos should be handled with oven mitts, because they're about as hot as they can get!!!
It says right here, in the Holycow Scriptures. That you bring a happy tear, in regards to your pictures. Because, a face like yours, is a sight to behold. That must have escaped through Heaven's doors and is worth its weight in gold...
Every single photo, that you'll ever make. This ginormous dodo, would be so pleased to take. Because, from everything that I've ever seen and from everything that I've come to know. This is the reason that you're the most beautiful Scorpi Queen, that sets the whole world to glow...
Well, then lucky for me, that my name just happens to be, Papi. And, I think that we can all agree, from what we all now see, that you've just made me, so freakin' happy...
Now, that was one marathon, that I didn't mind attending!!! In fact, my heart is still racing to this day, thanks to your many spanks!!!
Whether, in or out of a hat, you are mighty fine. And, not only are you all that, but you are truly divine. And, to feel your Scorpi sting, would be pleasure to great to measure. Because, of the passion that you continue to bring, is worth all the world's treasure...
You sure make outdoor living, come to life, if ever I saw it. And, those have got to be the happiest Sunflowers on the face of the planet!!!
It's an absolute fact, that there's nothing innocent about you. And, because of your hot sexy act, I just drooled all over my shoe. And, if this you choose to want to see, then you can never lose. But, please don't be like me and wear some rubber shoes...
As everybody knows and as I recall. These were the shows, that made me fall. As if my heart, actually had a chance. Because, from your every start, my heart couldn't help but dance...
I'll have you know, as for this. That was one amazing show, that I didn't miss. But, if you weren't there, then I'm happy to say. Then, here's another chance to stare, as of today...
With you're devilish angelic beauty, you are the only angel that comes from both Heaven & Hell at the same time...
I really love your mirror in the corner like that. Because, it shows off your beautiful long flowing hair and your nice rosy cheeks!!!
Now, this is one way to celebrate, to be sure. And, I just hope that this will be my fate, if you'd prefer. Because, I could watch you by the hour, upon my given path. Whether you're taking a hot shower or a nice warm bath. So pour a glass for me and I'll raise my glass on toast. "To the only perfect woman in the Galaxy, by which I love the most"...
I must say, that I'd prefer to be on your "WALL OF FAME", rather than your "Wall OF SHAME", on any given day. And, once I was up on your wall, I'd never leave you at all. So, the next time that you turn around, upon any given night. With your beautiful eyes of brown, you'll soon find me within your sight...
Do you know what I love the most about your sweet sexy teasers? "EVERYTHING"!!!!
Well, then, having seen this before, I have only one thing to say. As I, once again, find myself on the floor, screaming "Hip-hip-hooray". Because, everything that you make, I am extremely fawn. Just as I'll always do a double-take, for such a beautiful Bblack_Sswan...
If I could pray, but for one Christmas gift for me. Then, that would be the day, that I'd find you under my Christmas Tree. Because, a treasure like you, is to impossible to measure, from my personal view...
Holy wow, those are the most incredible photos that I have ever seen. And, as of right now, I just kissed my computer screen. Even though, they say that perfection doesn't truly exist. I'll have you know, that your amazing beauty is impossible to resist...
I must convey, that I can't choose one photo over the rest. So let's just say, that I love them all the best. And, if you keep making more, then you'd definitely be blessing my eyes. Because, your photos are impossible to ignore, even if you wore a disguise...
Without a doubt, your inner wolf devours all in sight. And, even, if I were to shout, you'd hardly be my plight. In fact, to be eaten by you, would never make me mad. And, if I could eat you too, then I'd be mighty glad...
Well, upon that given day, if you were hunting me. Then, I'd be the luckiest prey, that there could ever be. And, even, from what I could see, in given your extremely sexy style. I just noticed that particular tree, seemed to let out a big ole smile...
It never seems to matter, whatever photo I seem to see. Because, it's my sadness that you seem to shatter, for the rest of eternity. So, as I raise my glass and toast, to the one that I adore the most. "May you continue to flatter, my adoring eyes. Because, it doth seem to matter, that I won't ever have to agonize"...
After watching this, I finally know why. That this, I would never wish to miss, or I would no doubt cry. So, if you keep making more, then I will continue to jump up and down. Just as I will continue to beg for more, because you more than astound...
Whatever photos you post and whatever videos you make. I'll always love them the most and I'd so happily take. Because, what you seem to provide, goes well beyond the eyes. Just like it can't be denied, that you're filled with wondrous surprise. And, without regret, I must say, that it's my heart that you seem to move. And, yet, it's always my day, that you seem to improve...
You are not only an elegant swan, from night til' dawn, but even through the day. And, even, if I were blind, I'd still come to find, that you're beautiful in every way. And, your beauty doth begin and in, from your beautiful heart. Deep from within, your beautiful skin, like a fine work of art...
I have forever so prayed, for such a beautiful maid. And, even, if you didn't clean a dog gone thing, I personally wouldn't care. Just as long as whatever you seem to bring, you wouldn't care, if I couldn't help but stare. And, you might need a lot of soap, of a certain kind. If you held to the hope, of taking this silly dope and cleaning his dirty mind...
Your every show, provides such gladness, from everything that you seem to produce. And, the one thing that I've come to know, that it's my sadness, that you seem to reduce. So, if you keep making those, from my personal stance. You'll keep curling my toes, while making my heart forever dance...
Just like boiling water, as hot as you are, on any given day. You burn hotter, than any given star, in the entire Milky Way. And, there's no surprise, that you're responsible for Global Warming, about the Earth. Because, you seem to make every temperature rise, while it's our eyes, that seems to be storming, in given your incredible worth...
Your extremely hot tease, drives everyone straight to their knees. And, I truly believe, from what I now find. Is that you don't seem to leave, any prisoners behind. And, after capturing every heart, with your special brand of sin. That's when you seem to start, it all over again...
Hail, to our beautiful Harley Queen, the Goddess of Stubborn Dicks, everywhere. Who's the most gorgeous Queen that we've ever seen, without the need of tricks, I so swear. But, if you look into her amazing eyes, for far to long. Then, she just might hypnotize, even the strong...
Whether you're a red head, brunette or a blonde. Just like I've always said, it's a sure bet, that your beauty goes well beyond. And, I must impart, unlike anything that I've ever seen before, or will ever again. It's your amazing heart, that I so adore and always makes me grin...
Do you know what separates you. from all of the rest. It's because, no one else would ever do, because you are simply the very best. And, without sounding to gaudy, just as I have so often confessed. It's your incredible body, that makes my eyes feel ever so blessed...
Your sensual dance is extremely sweet, while your smile is more than felt. And, then, when you bring the heat, your candles seem to melt. And, then, your work of art, upon the wall, can't help but stare. Because, when you take every heart, you make them all fall, because your beauty is oh so rare...
Well, I've seen before, but I've never seen anything quite like you. That makes me beg for more, like a beautiful sunset view. And, you're like all of my favorite desserts, on any given day. And, it only truly hurts, whenever I look away...
Whatever you're selling, I am sure to buy. Because, you're rather compelling, to every single eye. And, if I had one wish upon this Earth, I'd gladly give it to you. Because, in given your amazing worth, you've already made my every wish come true...
Every time that I look at you, my knees seem to grow weak. And, then, whatever you seem to do, that's when I can hardly speak. But, if I could manage to say, a word or two. Then, the words that I would convey, is that there's simply no one else like you...
It's a really good thing that you weren't an American Indian many years ago, or my county would be called the United States of the American Indians!!! Because, we would have surrendered to you happily and be living in tee-pee's today!!!
How does one go about describing, "The Reflection of Absolute Perfection". Well, let's just say, as if it were your personal duty, that you're the gift that keeps on giving. And, every single day, your tremendous beauty, makes my life so worth living...
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