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Anonymous asked 6 months ago:
Do you have a linktree? If so what is it?

Tiabeanie answered about 2 months ago:
I do! My Linktree is Tia_Beanie
Anonymous asked 11 months ago:
You literally have the best ass on MFC. Do you take private ass focused shows or take custom orders?

Tiabeanie answered 10 months ago:
Thank you ^^ I do
Anonymous asked almost 2 years ago:
Do you like meditation would you do on cam how much would you charge for it?

Tiabeanie answered almost 2 years ago:
I meditate as often as I can :) I would meditate on cam for 5 full minutes for 200 tokens.
Anonymous asked over 2 years ago:
Today you come back!! How does it feel to be back from your hiatus? So glad to have you back you have been missed

Tiabeanie answered over 2 years ago:
I am THRILLED! I missed you all terribly <3
Guest asked almost 3 years ago:
First, thank you for the discount for the beanie babies club today such a good deal. Second, what's your philopshy on camming in relation to regulars? I'm asking because I want to be a regular to a cam room one day.

Tiabeanie answered almost 3 years ago:
First, Welcome to the Beanie Babies! Second, Our cam family regulars are some of my favourite people! You're always welcome <3
Anonymous asked almost 3 years ago:
How can I watch your live shows? It says I do not have permission to join. How do I get permission?

Tiabeanie answered almost 3 years ago:
You asked this question anonymously for a reason; An unban requires a letter of apology, which I must accept first, followed by a 3333 token fee. If you try to send the 3333 tokens then use that to try and blackmail your way into the room because I can't refund them, you will remain banned. This is your written warning so you can't say nobody told you. But, again, you clearly wrote this anonymously, so you know you're banned.
Anonymous asked about 3 years ago:
When can we expect more BJ content or any B/G content?

Tiabeanie answered about 3 years ago:
I am always open to making customs if you would like to see something specific :)
Anonymous asked over 3 years ago:
So, the Invisible Goddess' footprints are found in rock art all around the arctic circle and throughout almost 5000 years of history, and they're always a size 5. Does this mean that feet size 5 are especially divine?

Tiabeanie answered over 3 years ago:
Anonymous asked over 3 years ago:
So, if one train leaves for Atlantis, and one hour 5 mins earlier, another one leaves for Vegas. Which one would you get on and why?

Tiabeanie answered over 3 years ago:
Atlantis because the wait time is less and also because I would like to know where it actually is.
Anonymous asked over 3 years ago:
Is that water wet?

Tiabeanie answered over 3 years ago:
This is actually liquid nitrogen and therefore it's dry water.

SilveFOX4869 asked over 3 years ago:
Are you single and looking?

Tiabeanie answered over 3 years ago:
I am in a relationship with several ancient Lovecraftian entities and am seeking only virgin sacrifices to the great eternal squidbeasts of the void.
Anonymous asked over 3 years ago:
How important is penis size, thoughts on 4-5"

Tiabeanie answered over 3 years ago:
Dick ratings are 200 tokens
Anonymous asked almost 4 years ago:
If you knew when you'd die, how would you prefer to go out?

Tiabeanie answered almost 4 years ago:
I'd prefer to fall into my own coffin after being chased off a cliff by 20 topless women in helmets (with elbow and knee pads, of course).
Anonymous asked about 4 years ago:
Do you like big black cock and have you ever had sex with one? ;)

Tiabeanie answered about 4 years ago:
Yes and absolutely ^^

itsmegamillz asked about 4 years ago:
Whats your second favorite movie and why?

Tiabeanie answered about 4 years ago:
My second favourite movie is probably the Rocky Horror Picture Show by virtue of the fact that I have watched it 4 million times ;P

GrimoireSE asked about 4 years ago:
Except for meat, is there anything else you can't eat due to allergies, hypersensitivities or horrible memories involving the Brazilian volleyball team, three pints of hot sauce and a small dog named Jarvis?

Tiabeanie answered about 4 years ago:
Though I love anything involving a small dog named Jarvis there isn't much I won't eat :P I'm sort of a food machine

LongLostLove asked over 4 years ago:
Have you ever used your breastmilk at home when you ran out of milk for coffee?

Tiabeanie answered over 4 years ago:
Fantastic question but, alas, it's not nearly that plentiful :(

LongLostLove asked over 4 years ago:
What's your first memory of realizing you were a sub?

Tiabeanie answered over 4 years ago:
Actually this question is sort of funny because I don't really have a specific memory of discovering I was a sub in general.
The VERY first time I tried butt stuff it hurt so badly I couldn't wait to try it again, so take that as you will :P
The VERY first time I tried butt stuff it hurt so badly I couldn't wait to try it again, so take that as you will :P

LongLostLove asked over 4 years ago:
Which Sabaton song would best describe your ideal orgasm?

Tiabeanie answered over 4 years ago:
Oh for sure The Last Stand and here is why...
I think that makes my point ;3
I think that makes my point ;3

TJ_Scarrott asked over 4 years ago:
Have you considered doing Let's Play on YouTube?

Tiabeanie answered over 4 years ago:
I am learning that "Let's Play" on Youtube is a thing right this minute so, as of now, perhaps :3
Anonymous asked over 4 years ago:
What does aftercare typically look like for you?

Tiabeanie answered over 4 years ago:
That depends on what preceded it - typically many snuggles while I get back in my body, snacks, water, comfy stuff, and a smidgen of weed. If things got REALLY gnarly I might also have a bath or a shower. But the absolute highest level of aftercare I might need involves all the above and takeout: some sessions require more than rabbit food.

S1uice asked over 4 years ago:
Where do you wanna go for dinner? I'll pay if you get the tip.

Tiabeanie answered over 4 years ago:
Honestly I'm super easy - I just want to go to a small business :3

Harugoa asked almost 5 years ago:
If you could do wild shape into only one dnd beast creature what would it be and why?

Tiabeanie answered over 4 years ago:
I would probably go with Hellfire Wrym because they be bitchin' :3

TJ_Scarrott asked almost 5 years ago:
Have you ever dyed your hair a non-normal-hair colour?

Tiabeanie answered over 4 years ago:
Absolutely! I've dyed my hair basically every colour except yellow.

TJ_Scarrott asked almost 5 years ago:
You are offered a One-Way ticket to anywhere in the world. Where would it be to?

Tiabeanie answered over 4 years ago:
With the way things are going in the world in 2020, probably just home to be honest :P

LongLostLove asked almost 5 years ago:
What's you favorite physical part of sex that a toy can not match or replace? Since sex toys don't have emotions I took that out of the question to avoid the most obvious answer.

Tiabeanie answered almost 5 years ago:
oooh that's a good one - I think I'd have to say the power dynamic. It's not a secret that I like to get pretty subby, and it's nearly impossible to get into that headspace on my own; just doesn't do it for me. That's actually the reason you guys won't see me rocking any autoerotic asphyxiation - it's no fun to choke myself.

TJ_Scarrott asked almost 5 years ago:
You are able to become instantly proficient in a single musical instrument - which one do you choose?

Tiabeanie answered almost 5 years ago:
I would absolutely love to be a really rockin' guitar player. I've played for years, but my skills are middling at best because my issues with my nails get in the way and sometimes make it physically impossible to play, even when I want to.

LongLostLove asked almost 5 years ago:
Do you ever catch yourself checking out your own ass?

Tiabeanie answered almost 5 years ago:
Every once in a while I actually do - typically it's when I'm live on cam with you guys :P

TJ_Scarrott asked almost 5 years ago:
Have you ever had sex with a friend for their birthday/other such celebration? If not, do you think you ever would?

Tiabeanie answered almost 5 years ago:
I've had sex on a birthday, but never FOR a birthday. It was an activity, not a gift :P
Anonymous asked almost 5 years ago:
Has anyone offered to pay you for sex?

Tiabeanie answered almost 5 years ago:
Oh loads of times! It's just not a service I offer.

TJ_Scarrott asked almost 5 years ago:
Last novel you finished?

Tiabeanie answered almost 5 years ago:
It feels a little "on the nose" right now but the last novel I finished was either Native Son or Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (I was reading both for an essay and can't remember which I finished first). I was actually reading them for an English Literature class called "American Horror"; we covered The Haunting of Hill House, a bunch of Edgar Allan Poe, The Tale of Sleepy Hollow, etc. in the first semester. The entire second semester was about the atrocities committed against Black and Indigenous Americans because, as my professor put it, "the worst horror stories are true".

TJ_Scarrott asked almost 5 years ago:
Have you ever masturbated somewhere like a cinema/theatre, or a restaurant, or somewhere like that?

Tiabeanie answered almost 5 years ago:
As much as I would love to answer this in the affirmative, I have never done anything like this. The ADHD is strong with me and typically, when I'm in public, I'm totally engrossed with my surroundings and not thinking of anything sexy.

TJ_Scarrott asked almost 5 years ago:
What's the one movie you can happily and easily re-watch all the time?

Tiabeanie answered almost 5 years ago:
Jurassic Park. I have literally never said no to Jurassic Park.

LongLostLove asked almost 5 years ago:
You usually say "Sleep well, dear snoozles!" before you log out. Does that come from any specific reference?

Tiabeanie answered almost 5 years ago:
This is so meta... lol it's actually another proof positive of my obsession with Matt Groening.
"Sleep deep fair snoozles" is actually a Futurama quote from the movie Bender's Game. It's how the Professor (as the Wizard Greyfarn) says good night to the group at one point.
"Sleep deep fair snoozles" is actually a Futurama quote from the movie Bender's Game. It's how the Professor (as the Wizard Greyfarn) says good night to the group at one point.

LongLostLove asked almost 5 years ago:
If you could change one thing about the world (in your lifetime) what would it be?

Tiabeanie answered almost 5 years ago:
This is such a hard question because I don't want to create any disasterous time travel effects. So, if I could, I would snap my fingers and have every human on the planet wake up with a reasonable degree of empathy.

LongLostLove asked almost 5 years ago:
Favorite DnD class?

Tiabeanie answered almost 5 years ago:
Druid. It's not even a question. Always Druid.

LongLostLove asked almost 5 years ago:
Aside from masturbation or socializing, what's your favorite way to pick yourself back up after a rough day?

Tiabeanie answered almost 5 years ago:
Because of the way my mind works typically I just do a full reset. If I'm having a REALLY bad day I've probably ripped all my nails off, so I'll stick em back on (so I can use my hands again), hop in a bath that would scald a normal human, and drink a glass of wine or 3. There may or may not also be ice cream, depending on the state of my fridge.

LongLostLove asked almost 5 years ago:
If you had the option to build a harem with any five fictional characters, who's in your fantasy league?

Tiabeanie answered almost 5 years ago:
1. Jeff Goldblum's Dr. Malcolm (Jurassic Park)
2. Any character Emma Stone has ever played
3. Khal Drogo (or any other character Jason Momoa has ever played)
4. Hellboy
5. Akasha (Queen of the Damned)
2. Any character Emma Stone has ever played
3. Khal Drogo (or any other character Jason Momoa has ever played)
4. Hellboy
5. Akasha (Queen of the Damned)

LongLostLove asked almost 5 years ago:
Do you have any weird orgasm stories? It could involve cumming to a thought you'd never normally think would get you off, or masturbating in a more creative way that ended successfully, etc;

Tiabeanie answered almost 5 years ago:
It's actually not uncommon for me to literally cum myself awake from a dream. I've hopped on more old-god dick than any GoT character.

TJ_Scarrott asked almost 5 years ago:
Favourite video game?

Tiabeanie answered almost 5 years ago:
Zoo Tycoon (the original) I still play it.
Anonymous asked almost 5 years ago:
Have you ever given or received a golden shower? If so, was it as hot as you imagined it be, or more of a regret?

Tiabeanie answered almost 5 years ago:
I've never given or received - as most of you guys probably know I have a really gnarly gag reflex. I don't think I could handle it :P

TJ_Scarrott asked almost 5 years ago:
Do you often fantasize when you masturbate, or just enjoy the pleasure?

Tiabeanie answered almost 5 years ago:
I have a really active imagination as well as an attention problem so it's sort of a catch 22: I fantasize about whatever flavor I happen to be feeling at the moment and that can really be anything depending on my surroundings and current life mode.

LongLostLove asked almost 5 years ago:
Is there any country or city that you wish you could visit before you die? It can't be a place you've already been to. If there are multiple which is the top of your bucket list?

Tiabeanie answered almost 5 years ago:
I'm SUCH a travel bug - I love getting lost in new places. So far I've been through about 30 cities spanning 7 countries and 4 continents. Right at the top of my current to-see list sits Turkey (for a second time), Egypt, Morocco, India, Indonesia, and New Orleans, and Salem Massachusetts.

LongLostLove asked almost 5 years ago:
Let's just say hypothetically that the multiverse theory is true. If you could see one alternate version of your life where you changed one major decision, what moment would you go back to?

Tiabeanie answered almost 5 years ago:
This one is easy: I switched universities after my first year and regretted it immediately and forever. I would LOVE to know what would have happened if I had just stayed put.

LongLostLove asked almost 5 years ago:
What's one non-physical thing you wish you could change about yourself?

Tiabeanie answered almost 5 years ago:
I know that when I answered this question live I said that I would rather not have PTSD and that has been true for the last 7 years. However, in light of recent developments I'm going to swap that out and say that I wish I didn't have OCD. I've had a compulsive self harm problem for quite literally my entire life and, though it doesn't REALLY affect things to a grand scale in terms of my life as a whole, it sure does get in the way from day to day.

LongLostLove asked almost 5 years ago:
Are there any kinks you initially hated, that you currently love?

Tiabeanie answered almost 5 years ago:
Back fur. I always HATED it but then I found one person who rocks it and now I'm all about bigfeet.

TJ_Scarrott asked almost 5 years ago:
What is the Kink you have that you think would surprise people the most?

Tiabeanie answered almost 5 years ago:
Okay so this one is tricky so I'm going to go with the most obvious, hilarious, answer. In my off-cam life most people are absolutely convinced that I am a dominatrix and, just for fun, I make a point of not correcting anyone about it.

LongLostLove asked almost 5 years ago:
How much Jerome would a Tia fuck, if a Tia could fit 'Rome?

Tiabeanie answered almost 5 years ago:
Jerome would turn my pussy into a black hole if only he wasn't twice the size he was supposed to be.
Anonymous asked almost 5 years ago:
Do you ever plan on making b/g content and would you make content with any of your regulars?

Tiabeanie answered almost 5 years ago:
Oooooooo right for the meaty bits! That's a good question. In terms of makimg BG content, it's something that I am hypothetically planning on creating, though I have no formal plans to do so as of yet.
In terms of making content with anyone in the room, the terms of use for MFC dictate that it's mandatory for me to answer that question with a definitive "no" (sorry guys).
In terms of making content with anyone in the room, the terms of use for MFC dictate that it's mandatory for me to answer that question with a definitive "no" (sorry guys).