Mind the Tay
Can't see any words? Try changing the dark mode settings on YOUR DEVICE.

Rules are (generally) the same as they have always been. 
 Meaning: If you're an old friend or someone who asks themselves, "maybe im the problem?"  when going through unpleasantries with another, from time to time,  you can most likely skip these and be just fine.  (i had originally written,  "if you were not a sociopath you could skip, but jokes on me because a sociopath would never admit to it)

If you're new, forgetful, and/or deciding whether or not you want to test the waters on your sociopathic new lifestyle, these are here to briefly skim. I don't care if you do or don't. I don't believe in ultimatums. I do, however, believe (and practice) that making a choice is better than having the "invisible hand"* do it for you. 

hand in my room being either myself or a room helper. Most likely a helper. that will quietly remove you like  *poof* you never existed, and feeling like you exist feels good, doesn't it? So MIND THE TAY.

This is my room, don't tell me what to do.
(unless I ask or it's unbeknownst to me that I am in desperate need of some advice, use your  best judgment. *she says terrified*)

I do not skype or appreciate those who try to weasel asking me about skype in any type of shitty attempt at getting around the blocked word. By typing  s k y p e or sky ep  or epyks or something stupid, you might as well smoke signal yourself into exile, but don't worry, ill just do it for you.

I DO NOT WANT any tokens you have acquired illegally, that aren't yours, or in any sort of gray zone. Meaning if you did not buy the tokens with your OWN LEGAL method of payment (or an equivalent method of obtaining), do not tip me with them. 

I do expect participation. This is not a sit and gawk room. Yes, I know what website I'm on. Those who don't participate are the ones who further force my contemplations about being here. Don't ruin it for others, or for me for that matter. You'll be banned. 

Participation does not mean being a fucksack, being rude, being overly smartass-ish, harassing anyone, asking about my personal life (unless appropriate), or for fucks sake don't come in here promoting other models, spewing trash into the chat (No obscene or constant gif or vids either), talking about sensitive topics, etc. 

USE YOUR BIG MAN WORDS AND SAY SOMETHING TO ME. I don't want an emoji or some fucking nonsensical word you've made up. Words, fully typed (I even let most spelling errors go, this isn't a thesis paper, this is a chat room). 
I'm going to avoid the whole careful explanation and righteous speech about tipping; me in particular. You know it, I know it, you know that I know that you know it. 

Just tip. Doesn't have to be a lot, doesn't have to be every time. However there are times where you will be booted if you are not tipping, those times are:

1. After I call your name out twice, and you don't respond. I'm assuming you're asleep so I will ban you just in case your wife comes in or something. How thoughful, right?

2. When I'm naked. At this point, if you are not throwing either a decent size tip or several smaller ones through the nakedness, you will be banned.

3. If you are completely hogging the chat OR trying to PM me while I am obviously trying to do something, tip. If you are PMing me, you are a friend so I will just click the ignore you option. (PLEASE do not take this as I don't want you to talk or that PMing me as a friend occasionally is not wanted. IT IS. The room thrives on participation, but well that participation becomes a distraction for either me or the rest of the room, you best make it worth what I stand to lose. (OR just don't be chatty fucking cathy 24/7)

4. If you don't find me to be worth tipping, that's fine! I get it, not everyone likes the same things. So leave. If you stay in my room, you are obviously finding some type of value from being there. So show it.

(you will be banned immediately if you give me one of these excuses).

"nobody else is". Let me provide my own life experience to this. Since I was young, my dad was always the first one to stop after seeing an accident. ALWAYS, and this man is a ticking time bomb of zero patience let me tell you, but he always stopped. He would have me call 911, tell them what happened, the crossroads or location we are at, have some type of dispatch to us, and have the operator stay on the line with me, while my dad went to check on the people in the accident. If he wouldn't have stopped, unlike the 6 cars we could see drive past it ahead of us, those people could have died. I have zero respect for people who don't even get out of the way for an ambulance and I have zero respect and tolerance for those who come into my room, disrespect me, who just follow along like a sheep, and what's even worse, when that person TELLS ME IN THE CHAT THEY ARENT TIPPING BECAUSE OF THEIR SHEEPISHNESS. Now, why on earth would I let you stay after admitting that? Just to give the false impression to the rest of the room that I'm ok with no tips?  WRONG. BYE.

1.5. Same goes for if someone else is tipping a lot or several people are, that is not a reason to sway what you do. SHEEP. It's called mooching off other's kindness and you shall be removed. Also just because I am having a good show, does not mean they are always as such and if I can't make up for the bad days by making double on the good ones, it's not realistic for me to be here. 

2. "I lost my job." SO DID HALF THE WORLD THIS PAST YEAR. Pandemic aside, however, if you don't have a job, and you're sitting here taking advantage of mine, FUCK YOU GO GET A JOB. GET A SECOND JOB. DONATE PLASMA. VOLUNTEER. I mean if you are sitting here, you have time to do any of the above, in order to not be a shit person and take advantage of someone who really can't do much about it, while she is trying to work at HERS. (besides ban, but we know how that goes)

3. "I like to make sure I like the model before tipping her." ok fine. If within 5 minutes you haven't decided, tip to be able to "ponder it" some more because 5 min on this website with y'alls nanosecond attention span is a long time. Or leave, go back to the lounge where you've been watching me for months probably already. 


You are DAMN RIGHT I favor the guys who tip me more. I know you guys work hard for your income, some work really hard for a lot, some work very little for a lot, some work a ton for nothing, etc. I appreciate your time to earn that money and then choose to support me with it. I do my very best to ensure that your time is not wasted. Time is time. Don't waste mine and I won't waste yours, and don't expect me to waste time for you when someone else is tipping to show appreciation for mine. Want to be a favorite? Be kind, respectful, make me laugh, help me out in awkward room situations, and finally, tip. 

See what happens, I say in the beginning I'm not going to write something that is already known. However if this explanation helps even just one person to understand (a fraction) of why tipping is needed, then by god I hope it's someone with a lot of tokens.


Sincerely for reading this. I really do appreciate all of the tips, big or small, frequent or infrequent.