Amelia's writings
Thoughts, texts, important information. 

I might be new to this site specifically, but I am not new to this industry. 
I spent in it many years and can tell you few things with absolute confidence:

If you think that the only point of sites like this one is porn itself - you don't really understand the concept of webcam.

You would be surprised how many people are spending time on sites like this in search of simple human communication and not willing to spend hours watching porn, not wanting to wait for a girl to finally finish masturbation to free her hands and be able to answer your message.

My room is an alternative to it.

Being in my room is simply a very pleasant and convenient way to socialise in a comfort of your own home.
It's a great way to hang out with your friends without a need to care about how you look and how others perceive you - you can be yourself or you can be whoever you want others to think you are.

It just feels great to come here after a long day at work, knowing that people in here will be happy to see you. 
It feels great to be surrounded by nice and kind people.
It feels great to have a place where you can just chill while sipping your well-deserved beverage, listen to some great music and share your stories, thoughts and favourite songs with other. 

It feels great to have a simple chity-chat with someone who knows you, but knows only as much as you are willing to share. Or go into deep philosophical or personal subjects when you are feeling like it or maybe have an actual need in it.

It is ridiculous to think that everyone in this world have friends and family to genuinely enjoy their time with on a daily basis. Especially in the world of post-covid and wars going on.

It is simply ableistic to think that everyone who wants to find a company for themselves can just simply go and do that.

My room is an alternative to what you are so used to see on sites like this one. 
My room is all about you and what you want to get from it. 
If you want a pretty lady to listen about your day or even your whole life lore? I would love to! 
Want someone to lead the conversation, to ask you interesting questions? Easy!
Want to play your favourite songs for people who truly appreciate good music? We all here will be happy to hear it! 
Want to just sit in silence and watch the chat? No problem!
Want to share your skill of playing musical instruments? To show your painting? To share your writing? I am all in!

Want to leave a mean comment on my page telling me there is no place for me here? Well... your choice i guess, but as you can see, places aren't limited.

Thank you for your time.
Stay kind, happy and hydrated 💖