I don't say hi because I am ill-mannered ass!

Psychotherapist questions!
I don't say hi because I have communication problems!
10 Tokens
I don't say hi because I am too cool for it!
10 Tokens
I don't say hi because my hands busy all the time!
10 Tokens
I don't say hi because I lost my words when I saw you!
10 Tokens
I don't say hi because I have too big dick!
10 Tokens
I am sitting in your rooms by hours because I am freeloader!
10 Tokens
I am sitting in your room by hours because I am multitasking!
10 Tokens
I am sitting in your room and waiting for a miracle!
10 Tokens
What to do if I have a small penis?
10 Tokens
What to do if I have a big penis?
10 Tokens
What to do if I am a moron?
10 Tokens
What to do if I am an idiot?
10 Tokens
What to do if I can't stop to stroking all the time?
10 Tokens
What to do if people scared me?
10 Tokens
How to become a smart ass?
10 Tokens
How to grow big balls?
10 Tokens
I am a dork! is that bad?
10 Tokens
How to be a man?
10 Tokens
If roses are red, why are violets blue?
10 Tokens
Why do round pizzas come in square boxes?
10 Tokens
Do penguins have knees?
10 Tokens
What does ‘ok’ actually mean?
10 Tokens
If you throw your cat outside, will it be called kitty litter?
10 Tokens
Why does a grapefruit look and taste nothing like a grape?
10 Tokens
Are Zebras White with Black Stripes or Black with White Stripes?
10 Tokens
Where is the South?
10 Tokens
South of where?
10 Tokens
South of what?
10 Tokens
South from what?
10 Tokens
I woke up and realized i dont have balls!
10 Tokens
10 Tokens
I don't say hi because I'm afraid you'll make fun of me"
10 Tokens
i am here just waiting for a free show!
10 Tokens
i am waiting till someone will tip so i can stroke better!
10 Tokens
I just wonder does any free show will starts here?
10 Tokens
Has anyone see my balls?Cant found them today!
10 Tokens
Is cereal soup?
10 Tokens
Who would win in a fight between Superman and Batman?
10 Tokens
What gets wetter the more it dries?
10 Tokens
Which Comes First, Chickens Or Eggs? Eggs Or Chickens?
10 Tokens