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I don't do this job for glory or fame. I initially chose to spend my time here because it was the best way I could earn money while still focusing on my studies at the University. In time it's become so much more than that. I've found some incredible friends and people I've become very close with. But it's not all a fairy tale; I've had more than  of pain, regret and learning. I've been hurt most by those closest to me causing tears and leaving me sleepless for weeks. Whether the pain was physical or emotional, I learned to hide my wounds well. believe this is the best way to chase my dream of a better life.

That said, I'm not afraid. I would rather live my life with hope and determination than to let my painful past dictate my future. I have never had a bad relationship, only learning experiences. I'm looking for love, happiness, adventure, good food, great sex... all that life has to offer. If you understand this and share my vision then I hope we get to know each other well.
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