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Guest asked 11 months ago:
and feeling more hopeless or appearing un achievable
Sarah_Pink answered 11 months ago:
At times like these, I try to spend more time with my friends, as socializing helps me. And they cheer me up. I also remember past bad times in my life and how I coped with them. <3 i hope you getting better :hug
Maemi_Bayushi asked 12 months ago:
why are you so cute in your custom videos?
Sarah_Pink answered 12 months ago:
Cuz that's just me :) im not trying to act (cause i am a bad actress :D )
horluck asked 12 months ago:
My biggest fantasy is to be with and breed a woman your age (I'm 47). What do you think of such things?
Sarah_Pink answered 12 months ago:
I think it's a good idea, you just have to find a good girl for that :)Â