Hi! I love getting to know people so feel free to get to know me better both on and offline by using this :)
KyleBear47 asked almost 4 years ago:
Why "SarahSpeakz"? For some reason "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" pops into my head.
SarahSpeakz answered almost 4 years ago:
Well, I liked the name Sarah and I'm talkative... so yeah... I want to change the name eventually though! Something more gender neutral.
KyleBear47 asked almost 4 years ago:
The icon you are using (stylized crowned head vocalizing?) is very cool. Is there a story behind it?
SarahSpeakz answered almost 4 years ago:
I drew it myself... other than that nothing lol
Guest asked almost 4 years ago:
Do you treat foot fetishists reluctantly or with enthusiasm? Not everyone's cuppa...
SarahSpeakz answered almost 4 years ago:
As long as my ppl are happy I'm happy ;)
Guest asked about 4 years ago:
Can you really do the splits?
SarahSpeakz answered almost 4 years ago:
Left and right but not middle.
Guest asked about 4 years ago:
What is your view on kissing during a date?
SarahSpeakz answered almost 4 years ago:
I adore kissing and have been lucky enough to get to teach people how to become better kissers.
Guest asked about 4 years ago:
Just got dumped by someone I really liked. Any advice?
SarahSpeakz answered almost 4 years ago:
Take this time to get to know yourself better and don't be too hard on yourself for the relationship ending. *hugs*
Anonymous asked about 4 years ago:
Favorite number? Why?
SarahSpeakz answered about 4 years ago:
My favorite number is definitely 17 just because it is prime and sounds sexy to me!
Guest asked about 4 years ago:
Boy / girl stream?
SarahSpeakz answered about 4 years ago:
I am unable to do boy/girl streams on MFC since that is against their rules.