Active #timeago# ago
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I dont like so much this one... I dont know what kind of plant it is google doesnt know either... but I feels bad about leave it in trash :C 

This one was leaved in trash too its a curious plant, this plant is inclined according to the position of the sun, in the mornings it is inclined to the east and in the afternoons to the west. in addition its leaves open at noon and when the sun goes away they close completely.

Most beauty! 
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My neightboor moved and leave this plant in trash... so it looks better in my garden I dont have idea about their name 

its beauty but so delicate, I hope dont die
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second try I have faith 

the most cute in my garden now! Im in love

My citron dies too :c so here we go with a second try

My peppers are so big! look how many flowers it have, Im looking for some recipes to do with peppers, do u know some? when I cook some with them I will show u

its going so good!!! I love it! I bought fertilizer and your leaves look much healthier their green color is my favorite

My tomatoes died, but here I go with my second try!Â