Guest asked over 2 years ago:
how is pretty Giulia ?
MyOlly answered over 2 years ago:
mmmm so so but i ll fix everything  im so strong . just have to drink another bottle of wine lol. just kidding . how are you ? 
Guest asked over 2 years ago:
Would you let me build you your dream house & let me be your only regular sugar daddy while you use me for my cock ? 😜
MyOlly answered over 2 years ago:
Oh yes !!!!!? i want it i want it i want it 
notahero77 asked over 2 years ago:
No questions. I'm just your biggest fan.
MyOlly answered over 2 years ago:
please get over !!!!!! get over the war!!!! im with you!!!!! all the world is with you!!!! your wife and your son too!!!!!
Guest asked over 2 years ago:
Can i tie you up and torture you...mmmm
MyOlly answered over 2 years ago:
oh yessss bosssss !!!! whare are you? 
Anonymous asked over 5 years ago:
Do you like golden showers?
MyOlly answered over 5 years ago:
Golden showers ? Do you mean me covered with golden cream ? Or me wear lots of golden jewelry ?))) or me and bananas?))) didn’t get your question dear ))) kissÂ