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LightSwornPal asked about 6 years ago:
I checked out your menu. Nice options. I'm into videos, Snapchat, & picture sets. I have you on Twitter, so I can keep up & see when you are on to drop by sometime. :)
Miss_LilyLane answered about 6 years ago:
Can't wait! :)
LightSwornPal asked about 6 years ago:
That's nice. It's safer than stripping too. What content can we expect to see from you?
Miss_LilyLane answered about 6 years ago:
 In certain ways, I suppose it can be safer. I don't have exactly a menu (besides the one that is on my MFC profile) but I am a bubbly, genuine girl who loves to get wild. I love to consider all requests too, as the word "never" isn't a part of my vocabulary. Check out my schedule on MFC and come watch me play sometime ;)
Jed8737 asked about 6 years ago:
Im curious what the setting up thing is about? 5k got me like what magic could it be.
Miss_LilyLane answered about 6 years ago:
lol I don't necessarily need that much I guess. But every little bit helps go towards setting up the perfect space and show for everybody! So every little bit helps! I just wanted to set something high, and if I reach that goal, you know I will have some wild shows! If not, hey, they are still pretty fun ;)
LightSwornPal asked about 6 years ago:
What got you into camming?
Miss_LilyLane answered about 6 years ago:
I really wanted to be out of stripping. I was doing that for 6 years, and I got really burned out, but I wanted to stay in the sex industry. I did some research, and stumbled across this! It has been really fun so far :)