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Guest asked about 2 years ago:
would you do belly pics
MillieBrooks answered about 2 years ago:
lol I guesss....
MrRon89 asked over 2 years ago:
are you single??
MillieBrooks answered about 2 years ago:
Yessss... and not looking. 
Guest asked over 2 years ago:
What’s your Skype name? Let’s Skype date soon.
MillieBrooks answered about 2 years ago:
give me yours and I will add you
TheWolf0fMFC asked over 2 years ago:
If money was no object, what would you do with it and why? Also hi Millie! :) Awooooo
MillieBrooks answered about 2 years ago:
I would pack my backpack and travel the world.  Forever hopping from country to country and meet new people, eat great food, learn new things...