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moleman316 asked over 4 years ago:
Have you ever had a lesbian experience?

MilfyWayyy answered over 4 years ago:
The experiences (sexual) that I have had with women have been with bisexual or bi-curious women. I have never been with a woman who identifies as lesbian that I am aware.

firehosegun2 asked over 4 years ago:
The most crazy or risky place you had sex .

MilfyWayyy answered over 4 years ago:
It's a toss up between two experiences...I need to pick one...okay here it goes. A couple of years after ending a serious long term relationship, the man and I decided to try to make things work again. One night after a date that ended very late, we parked the car in a parking area near a freeway. There was a park we were headed to on the other side of the freeway, and a pedestrian walkway above it for people to cross safely. We were on the walkway, about halfway across one direction of traffic when I decided I really wanted to have sex right there. I told him so and he of course obliged. I pulled my panties off and my dress up. He picked me up and fucked me with my back against the side fencing of the overpass. Anyone driving past that night who happened to look up had quite the view of my butt and two people going at it. No one walked across the walkway while we were there, but the thought that someone could, and that all of those strangers driving underneath could see us, was very exhilarating.Â