LongNHard69 asked 4 months ago:
So the people that like it shaved - they pay for that too? LOL
LilyKush answered 4 months ago:
Yes, in fact they do!
Guest asked 8 months ago:
Please bring back your Triangle shaped bush - trimmed if like but please NOOOO bald. Just looks too adolescent. Thank you if you can.
LilyKush answered 8 months ago:
You can always tip me to bring it back. Some like the little bush and some like it shaved.
Jdsharp061990 asked 10 months ago:
3464644485. Text me
LilyKush answered 10 months ago:
You need to buy my number babe ;)
Guest asked about 2 years ago:
Do you like Pro or College Sports - any favorite teams you support or follow?
LilyKush answered about 2 years ago:
I actually am not big into sports... I didn't grow up watching any but can follow most! Sorry I suck!