I really had fun making these so I thought my very first blog should be on how I've made the Moon Cammiversary Chalkboards for everyone 💖 I'll include pictures of each step through this blog so you can see the full process! whee!

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My original plan for this project was to build each chalkboard entirely from scratch which I... quickly learned... was not going to happen lol so I obtained chalkboard and customised them from there.

I started by sanding down all the frames of each chalkboard since they came with this kind of cheesy orange-ish wood that wasn't very nice. I was going to sand off the gloss and paint them with chalkboard paint so the entire board was a nice matte black. Did I mention I have no knowledge on wood or paint? 😛

And my supervisor didn't bother to speak up

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Each board takes about 30 mins to hand sand each side of the frame as I am a tiny baby with tiny baby hands so if it's faster for you, hurrah for you but  I'm slow lol

Next I mix some sparkly paint with some water to make it extra.... "flicky." I need it watery enough that when I whip it at the chalkboard from my paintbrush, it creates a nice, uneven splatter effect 😊

Then... I did the same with white paint to give it a bit more DiMeNsIoN

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Here comes the challenge... painting my ass with grey & white paint then trying to sit on the board to create a perfect circle.

Except thighs exist to try to ruin everything and SMEAR THE CIRCLE ALMOST EVERY TIME here we go are you ready here it is it's magnificent

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And for proof I really did make it with my ass lol:

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Don't worry though. I was prepared for this. I knew there was no way my ass would look like a moon on it's own so I came up with a way to give it a blurred edge to create a "glow" ... using paper towel because I'm a sophisticated artist

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And I blend and blend and blend and blend until it turns into this:

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Wow sure recovered that original ass mark didn't I? lol Now no one will know you secretly have an ass hiding in your kitchen or bedroom on full display

Of course in order to mail them they needed to be bubble wrapped and packaged up so I'll include those photos too in case you want to see 😊

If you enjoyed reading this let me know & I'll continue to post some stuff like this from time to time

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