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Anonymous asked over 2 years ago:
Why you feel skypes not worth it ? There is NO disputing you make more.
Lara_Ella answered over 2 years ago:
Yes but the work I have to make is way more than the money. Can't do all the things for 200tk
Anonymous asked over 2 years ago:
Please explain why you do Privates yet don’t Skype ? Actually money wise Skypes are more for you - direct pay…can you explain please…
Lara_Ella answered over 2 years ago:
Skype is not worthy at all :)) .  You can find other sites for that
Anonymous asked almost 3 years ago:
Says hairy on your Tag model profile - I see ya shaved - can you please grow trim or bush back - triangle shape like you had too was sexy !!
Lara_Ella answered almost 3 years ago:
I am hairy now
Anonymous asked almost 3 years ago:
What’s your Skype name? Let’s Skype soon.
Lara_Ella answered almost 3 years ago:
I don't skype. 
Hornyrob3479 asked over 3 years ago:
Would you ever meet up with anyone that comes in your chat room on here
Lara_Ella answered over 3 years ago:

Anonymous asked over 3 years ago:
Do you like big black cock and have you ever had sex with one? ;)
Lara_Ella answered over 3 years ago:
Never had
IllwetyourP asked almost 4 years ago:
Will you hide your truth about you to your Love one?
Lara_Ella answered almost 4 years ago:

IllwetyourP asked almost 4 years ago:
love to have a kids?
Lara_Ella answered almost 4 years ago:
6 at least.. lol

IllwetyourP asked almost 4 years ago:
loved or Sexed?
Lara_Ella answered almost 4 years ago:

Anonymous asked almost 4 years ago:
are you looking for a guy who will loved you more or will fuck you more?
Lara_Ella answered almost 4 years ago:
I hope both haha