Cat whisperer, college librarian, seeker of truth

Love it!
Love this one!
Weird Al? I bet he would love this video.
So beautiful and sexy
Can I be your Jon Snow? (Except for the assassination part)
You make me smile and warm my heart.
You are and always have been such a sweetheart.
Check out _Strange Angel_ and _Sex and Rockets_. The first was made into a good TV show no one has ever heard of. Story of Jack Parsons, who with L Ron Hubbard, was asked to set up a Magick Temple (OTO?) in Pasadena by Alister Crowley. Jack also founded JPL. Hubbard stole his money and wife, then sailed off on a yacht.
Also, did you know the group Anonymous was founded to fight Scientology around 1980? They stole all of their documents and released it on the Internet 40+ years ago.
You remind me of a faerie princess. Cool photos!
“You’re not bad, you’re just drawn that way.”
Really well done!
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