what is the last show you binge watched
what phone app do you use the most
what is the last thing you purchased on Amazon
number 1 item on your bucket list
are you a morning person or a night owl
what is your favorite breakfast food
chocolate or vanilla
coffee or tea with meals
If you could have a chauffeur of personal chef which would you choose
name 5 people you would want to be stuck in an elevator with
what is a gift you wanted as a kid but never got
what movie did you love but hated the sequal
if you were invisible where would you go
if you were in a movie who would be your co-star
do you have a secret talent
what are you most afraid of
what is the best gift you have ever gotten
what would be the perfect vacation
what was your favorite vacation
if you could live anywhere in the world where would it be
who was your childhood hero
if you could spend 1 month in a different time period when would it be
if you could invite 3 celebrities to dinner who would they be
if you could have a super power what would it be
if you worked in the circus what would your job be
what is your most embarrassing moment
do aliens exist
if you could make up a holiday what would it be
what is the silliest thing you have ever googled
which celebrity would you change lives with for a day
what is your best childhood memory
what advice would you give to your 18 year old self