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luckytanuki1 asked about 4 years ago:
Hello! I am interested in purchasing a custom video. I just wanted to check with you before spending the money!
Happily_Sweet answered about 4 years ago:
Hi lucky,
Thank you for asking me . Yes I would be happy to make you a 5 minute custom video.  Your video is set for Tuesday  3/2 /2021 Delivery by 9pm EST .  Please include in a Summary your general theme , words/ lines and phrases you would like me to say, and if there are certain body or camera angles. 
Please feel free to private message me here if you would like to keep your order private as well. unfortunately  the 2 slots for the reduced price have been filled.  You have to options left though :) You can pre order and fill a reduced slot price for next week where your delivery date will be pushed back to Tuesday 3/9/2021 before 9 pm east or if you are happy with full price you can still order and get your video for this upcoming Tuesday. Below are my prices .
Regular custom slot : 580 t due this Tuesday 3/2/2021
Reduced Custom slot: 360 t due Tuesday 3/9/2021 
Thank you so much for reaching out to me ! 
I look forward to working with you .
Raskas asked almost 5 years ago:
Hallo baby u looking good where are u from ?😚😚
Happily_Sweet answered almost 5 years ago:
Thank you! Hello to you ! I am from usa . what about yourself?
Ebrandt79 asked almost 5 years ago:
How big of a cock can u deepthroat?
Happily_Sweet answered almost 5 years ago:
6 inches
AgentJeffries asked about 5 years ago:
Have you ever been with more than one guy at once?
Happily_Sweet answered about 5 years ago:
I have not been with more then 1 man at the same time. However I had the pleasure of dating 3 men at once for a while. :)
joanthan asked about 5 years ago:
Where are you located
Happily_Sweet answered about 5 years ago:
jjzz8996 asked about 5 years ago:
Do you have a snapchat?
Happily_Sweet answered about 5 years ago:
 I do!