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ViKing948 asked 5 days ago:
Hi, i want to ask if you sell b/g content or just solo
HaileyRoses answered 5 days ago:
Noalover24 asked about 1 year ago:
When did you get your nipples pierced did it hurt?
HaileyRoses answered about 1 year ago:
its important?
eurodream3 asked almost 2 years ago:
hey hailey... you were one of my favorites but it shows i can't enter with ban. Not sure what happened or if mistake as I rarely am on here. Did something happen? Thanks
HaileyRoses answered almost 2 years ago:
well maybe u are baned with a reason..i never ban without a good reason
eldom asked about 2 years ago:
do you still have an onlyfans account? the one on twitter seems to be down
HaileyRoses answered about 2 years ago:
Noalover24 asked over 4 years ago:
are you going to make a twitter account
HaileyRoses answered over 4 years ago:
im not a big fan of twitter, but im thinking to have onlyfans account soon
Noalover24 asked over 4 years ago:
Do you have a twitter or Instagram account
HaileyRoses answered over 4 years ago:
no sorry
Hmatej205 asked almost 5 years ago:
Hi how are you beautiful girl
HaileyRoses answered over 4 years ago:
im good thanks how about you? :)
webhead64 asked almost 5 years ago:
How do I PM you? :D
HaileyRoses answered over 4 years ago:
just push the om button :D