Anonymous asked almost 5 years ago:
Can you do a video where you wear one of those types of dresses that open out when you spin in it?
FapcakeSenpai answered almost 5 years ago:
this is a good one! i'll write it down in my to do list. keep an eye out, I hope you buy it when it comes out! :) 
Anonymous asked over 5 years ago:
Rusty is shady...
FapcakeSenpai answered over 5 years ago:
why is that 
FitzLamb_LLC asked almost 6 years ago:
Will you have a tip amount in the goat goal for us to name one of the goats? ξ๑ˊ ꈊˋ๑Ҙ
FapcakeSenpai answered almost 6 years ago:
wow genius, yes i definitely need to make that an option!!! 
TypicalMike asked about 6 years ago:
can you get me food.
FapcakeSenpai answered about 6 years ago:
ok i lied. anybody except michael can ask me a question.