Emma's eyes are turquoise. like Caribbean calcites. I need say no more.
Peeps, if you're thinking about tipping for this video just follow your best instincts and do it. This is a true "slow boil" and when it does, boy, does it ever. Emma's clearly in ecstasy while she's with Diney, and the clever editing will let your imaginations run wild. This is simply amazing erotica. Thank you ladies!
This was amazing live. But it's immortal as a recording.
You MUST buy this video! --- signed, a Satisfied Customer
The Queen of Sloppy Job!
"Wildness is a necessity” --- John Muir That's all you need to know to be in awe of Emma's nature.
Wow! Just . . . Wow!
What a wonderful thing to wake up to! Good morning everyone!
I could watch the play of changing expressions over your face and the subtle shifts in the color of your eyes for days.
Em, I've been saying this a lot lately, but this is the best work I've seen so far. It belongs in an art museum. You've transcended sex work and turned it into fine art.
Ranger Emma Tent Fuck
Ranger Emma Tent Fuck by EmmaStarseed · over 4 years ago
You know what "tenting" is, don't you? :D
Sososo beautiful. I will never hear the words "Girl Scout Cookies" again without thinking of you Emma.
"Have you seen my wife, Mr. Jones? Do you know what it's like on the outside? Don't go talking too loud, you'll cause a landslide, Mr. Jones."
So Em, my question is: Who were YOU watching?
Amazing work by Corwin in capturing the Essence of Emma.
Birthday Film (Feb 2020)
Birthday Film (Feb 2020) by EmmaStarseed · about 5 years ago
If I knew you were coming I'd have baked a cake.
Cozy Glass Toy Orgasm
Cozy Glass Toy Orgasm by EmmaStarseed · about 5 years ago
I got a peaceful easy feeling . . .
Emma told me that some of these pictures were explicit. She's right, but not about some of them. They are *all* explicitly beautiful.
Watch me Cum (GFE)
Watch me Cum (GFE) by EmmaStarseed · about 5 years ago
I was just about ready to throw myself into the fireplace. I feel .... tormented. In a good way.
So very beautiful!

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