Will see how's this working 😁
I_M_Hipp asked about 4 years ago:
What do you like better hot shower 🚿 or hot bath 🛁?
Divine_Phenix answered about 4 years ago:
Hmm 🤔 I think deepens if alone I take this or no😋 
Anonymous asked about 5 years ago:
Have you ever broken someone's heart from here?
Divine_Phenix answered about 5 years ago:
We are all alive people here with emotions and hearts, so think this is happening even independently of us
I_M_Hipp asked over 5 years ago:
What is something that catches your eye when you meet a gentleman?
Divine_Phenix answered about 5 years ago:
Good question! I think many things... For first it's smell, this is or my fetish or can be trouble , if I don't like the smell of parfums or from body for me this is very complicated to keep myself stay or even like this person. Next -- eyes, as we says here "eyes are the mirror of the soul". 
Anothers things I think is not very important, only one what is --- this is attitude and behavior, how much is sincere, not played out , I hate "actors" and always keep away from such people in my life 
Guest asked almost 6 years ago:
I ask do you own many tight high collar sweaters? I dream to see many of those on you, braless, collar up unfolded cause it is my real strong fetish. Dave/Finland
Divine_Phenix answered almost 6 years ago:
I do ,but braless possible only for tips or after how I reach my goal