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Uncut7Inch4U asked 6 months ago:
Do you prefer circumcised or uncircumcised penis?
BabyJayn answered 2 months ago:
Both work for me
Anonymous asked about 3 years ago:
What’s your Skype name- let’s Skype date asap & if ya need a bigger male partner for your vids - maybe we can arrange something.
BabyJayn answered 2 months ago:
I don't know my skype off hand. I do charge for those. 3000 tokens
Guest asked almost 4 years ago:
do you have a belly piercing
BabyJayn answered 2 months ago:
I did many years ago
Guest asked almost 4 years ago:
what bloats your tummy the most
BabyJayn answered 2 months ago:
I think beans or beer. That is including rootbeer
Guest asked almost 4 years ago:
would you do belly pics
BabyJayn answered 2 months ago:
Guest asked almost 4 years ago:
How are you so hot?
BabyJayn answered 2 months ago:
I live in the desert, hehehe
Cummachine68 asked over 4 years ago:
Are you wanting to meet anyone
BabyJayn answered 2 months ago:
What do you mean by this