ask me shit
Guest asked about 5 years ago:
Codes? what do you do just guess one?
AThinkingThot answered about 5 years ago:
testing. not a thing yet
Guest asked about 5 years ago:
illuminated club offers auctions what type of things would be up for bid at said auction?
AThinkingThot answered about 5 years ago:
private shows and custom videos and such
Guest asked about 5 years ago:
Codes? something new afoot?
AThinkingThot answered about 5 years ago:
maybe not just testing out everything share has to offer 
Guest asked over 5 years ago:
Did you know that "Dog Food Lid" backwards is "Dildo of god"?
AThinkingThot answered over 5 years ago:
This is important
Guest asked over 5 years ago:
snap pic for 40 is a great value...5-10 second snap vid for 111 would be too
AThinkingThot answered over 5 years ago:
I agree! I'm sure they wont always be that intense!